
The 1st International Innovation and Technology Competition「Hackaverse Challenge」

報名表 | 學生組別

Registration Form | Student Track

接受報名日期 Start date for applications:2022年12月6日 (6 December, 2022)

截止報名及作品提交日期 Closing date for registration and work submission:2023年5月30日 (30 May, 2023)


  1. 初中組及高中組的參賽團隊需由該學校代為報名參賽。

    For junior and senior secondary divisions, schools must submit the Hackaverse Challenge applications on behalf of their participating teams.

  2. 每隊必須有一位年滿 18 歲的老師或負責人代表該隊伍與主辦單位聯繫。
    Each team must have a teacher or person in charge who is over 18 years old to contact the organizer on behalf of the team.

  3. 每隊參賽隊員人數為1-4人。The number of players in each team is 1-4.

  4. 以上所提供的電子郵件(Gmail)需與遞交作品文件的Google Drive Link電郵地址一樣。
    The email (Gmail) provided above must be the same as the Google Drive Link email address for submitting the work file.

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