Personal Data (Privacy) Policy

Hong Kong Cultural Innovative and Technology Association (HKCITA) is committed to protesting privacy, and we shall ensure compliance with all applicable privacy laws, including the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Email address and other personal data (including but not limited to your name, address, telephone number, etc) collected by HKCITA through this website are to be provided voluntarily by you.

We do not collect any personally identifiable information from users during their browsing of our websites. When users visit our websites, we record their visit only as a 'hit' and do not collect any personal data from them. We will, however, make a record of their visit that shows only the Domain Name Server address, part of their e-mail address, and of the page(s) visited. We use such information only for preparing general statistics on the usage of our websites.

Generally, we collect personal data in order to:

  • understand users' needs so as to provide better service;

  • follow up on comments, requests and other messages that users submit to HKCITA through its website;

  • market and promotional efforts by and on behalf of HKCITA during which suitable opt-out facilities will be provided.

If personal data are collected in the process of making enquires or submitting applications for services provided by different operations within HKCITA, you will be informed of such purposes and uses, including the extent of transfer and disclosure; and the right of access to and correction of the collected personal data.

Personal data collected by us will not be sold, provided or transferred out of HKCITA and its subsidiaries or associated and/or related companies and organisations except as provided here in below or with your consent.

In cases when we have reason to believe that disclosing your personal data is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be violating these Terms or may be causing injury to or interference with (either intentionally or unintentionally) our rights or property, other users, or anyone else that could be harmed by such activities, we may disclose your personal data. We may also disclose or access your personal data when we believe in good faith that the law requires it and for administrative and other purposes that we deem necessary to maintain, service and/or improve our services.

HKCITA reserves the right but undertakes no duty to review, edit or otherwise change this policy at its sole discretion and without notice. We will take appropriate measures to safeguard data security. However, given the nature of the internet, we cannot guarantee the security of data transmission over the internet. Accordingly, despite our effort to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us, or to or from our online product or services. You transmit all such information at your own risk. However, once we receive your transmission, we use our best endeavours to ensure its security in our own systems.

Should users have any queries about our privacy policy and practice, please write via e-mail to


Hong Kong Cultural Innovation Technology Association (" HKCITA”, "us", "we"), as one 'Data User', in complying with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Chapter 486 of the laws of the Hong Kong SAR, is committed to safeguarding your privacy on-line, and notifying you of certain matters when collecting information from you. This statement may change from time to time, so please check back periodically. By subscription and every time you log-in to this website to use our services, you agree to be bound by this statement at that time in force.


At the time of subscription and at other times when using this website, you may be asked to provide us with personally identifiable information, such as your name, address, telephone number, facsimile number and e-mail address. It is necessary for us to collect your information for providing you the various information, services and activities offered on this website. You are not obliged to supply the data here but in event of failure to provide the information requested, we will not be able to provide you with the information, services and activities you requested.


The information we collected will be used for the following purposes:

  • to monitor use of this website and to help its further development;

  • to compile aggregate statistics about our users and to analyse site usage;

  • to collect data for identity verification and records and to maintain contact lists for correspondence;

  • to conduct researches and/or analyses from time to time for any purpose of HKCITA in connection with our business;

  • to operate internal control, resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems and enforce our terms of use;

  • to deliver information to you that we believe you may have interest in, such as targeted banners, new services and products and other promotions and marketing materials;

  • to contact you regarding administrative notices and communications relevant to your use of this website and to respond to your request; and

  • to access information provided by users in order to design or improve products, services or facilities to meet users' need or fulfill their interest.

  • We may also use your information to match user information with third-party data (i.e. to compare two sets of personal data collected for different purposes). By subscribing to this website or by logging-in, you consent to carry out this matching procedure when we deem it is necessary in order to provide our services.


We intend to use your personal information collected by us for marketing and promotion of any products, services, facilities offered or provided by any member of HKCITA or which we consider you may have interested in. We may not so use your personal information unless we have received your consent (or your indication of no objection) to the intended use. If any customer does not want us to use his/her personal data for marketing or promotional purposes, please inform us via email:


Your information will not generally be disclosed, provided or transferred out of HKCITA to any other party in a form that would identify you except in the circumstances provided in our Personal Data (Privacy) Policy and the following circumstances:

  • If we use third-party suppliers or service providers to facilitate our services, we will have to provide your information for these suppliers or service providers offering such services where you choose to use these services.

  • We may also disclose or access your information for administrative and other purposes that we deem necessary to maintain, service, and/or improve our services.

  • In addition, your information will be accessed by, disclosed, provided or transferred to our business partners, any person or bodies corporate or division within HKCITA.

  • As the parties mentioned above may have places of business outside Hong Kong, your information may be provided or transferred out of Hong Kong. By subscribing to our website or by logging-in, you agree to us providing or transferring your information to these parties outside Hong Kong. These parties adhere to their own privacy customs and policies and we have no control over their use of your information. Therefore, we are not liable to their use of your information.

  • Please also see our Personal Data (Privacy) Policy which sets out our general privacy policy and practices in respect of our collection, holding and use of your information.


You have the right to request access to, and correction of, information about you held by us. If you need to check whether we hold your personal information or if you wish to have access to, correct any information relating to you which is inaccurate, please write via e-mail us at

In case of discrepancies between the English version and Chinese version in respect of all or any part of this Policy, the English version shall prevail.


香港文化創科聯合會(本會)致力保護個人私隱,恪守所有相關條例及規定,包括《個人資料(私隱)條例》。本會透過本網站所收集的電郵地址及其他個人身份資料(包括但不限於 閣下的姓名﹑地址及電話等),均由 閣下自願提供。我們不會於用戶瀏覽本會網站時收集任何足以識別個人身份之資料。當用戶瀏覽網站時,我們僅將其瀏覽記錄為「按動次數」,不會收集任何個人資料。然而,我們會記錄用戶的伺服器地址、部分電郵地址以及瀏覽的網頁,有關資料只用於編製網站使用情況之一般統計資料。


  • 了解使用者的需要,以便提供更佳服務;

  • 跟進使用者透過網站對香港文化創科聯合會提出的意見、要求或其他訊息;以及

  • 用作香港文化創科聯合會市場推廣和宣傳用途,我們將提供適當的拒絕服務選擇。

如個人資料透過查詢或向香港文化創科聯合會各部門遞交申請所得, 閣下將獲通知使用有關個人資料的目的及用途,包括傳送及披露程度,以及要求查閱及修改有關個人資料的權益。除根據以下條文規定或經 閣下同意,否則所收集的資料不會被轉售或轉移至香港文化創科聯合會及其附屬或相關聯以外之公司及機構。



我們會採取所有適當措施以確保個人資料的安全。不過,鑑於互聯網的性質,我們不能保證經過互聯網傳送的訊息的安全。因此,雖然我們會盡力保護 閣下的資料,但是不能保證 閣下傳送給我們的資料,或由我們所提供的產品或服務的資料在傳送時的安全。 閣下須負起網上傳送資料所引致的風險。但是,一旦收到 閣下的資料後,我們將盡力在我們電腦系統内保障它的安全。



按《個人資料(私隱)條例》(香港特別行政區法例第486章)之有關規定,香港文化創科聯合會(統稱「我們」)作爲單一之「資料使用者」,將致力確保 閣下之網上私隱獲得保障,並會在向 閣下收集資料時,通知 閣下相關事項。本聲明會不時修訂,敬請定期查閱最新版本。 閣下登記使用我們的服務並在每次登入本網站,即表示同意接受當時生效之個人資料收集聲明之約束。


當使用本網站或在登記使用我們的服務時, 閣下可能會被要求向我們提供足以識別個人身份之資料,包括 閣下之姓名、地址、電話號碼、傳真號碼及電郵地址等。為了能夠向 閣下提供本網站内各類資訊、服務和活動,有需要收集該等資料。 閣下雖沒有義務提供有關資料,但如 閣下未能提供有關資料的話,我們將不能向 閣下提供所要求之資訊、服務及活動。



  • 監控本網站之運作及協助本網站之未來發展;

  • 編製整體客戶統計資料及分析網站使用情況;

  • 收集核實身份和記錄之資料,並維持聯絡資料以作通訊之用;

  • 不時進行與香港文化創科聯合會業務有關的研究及/或分析;

  • 用作内部管理,排解紛爭和問題以及執行有關使用條款;

  • 向 閣下提供 閣下可能感興趣的資訊,例如廣告、新服務和產品及其他宣傳以及市場推廣資料及回應 閣下的要求;

  • 就與 閣下使用本網站有關之行政通知及通訊聯絡 閣下;

  • 為配合客戶所需,存取客戶所提供的資料以作設計或改善產品、服務或設施之用;

  • 我們亦可能會將 閣下之資料與第三方資料進行核對(即把兩套因不同目的而收集所得的個人資料進行比對)。當 閣下登入或登記本網站時,即表示同意讓我們在認爲有必要時所進行之核對程序以便提供服務。


我們亦擬把向 閣下收集所得的個人資料,用於我們相信 閣下感興趣或香港文化創科聯合會成員提供的各類產品、服務、設施的市場促銷或推廣上。除非獲得 閣下同意(或表示不予反對),否則我們不得如此使用 閣下的個人資料。客戶如不希望我們使用他/她的個人資料作爲市場促銷或推廣用途,請電郵至


一般而言,我們不會以足以識別身份之方式向香港文化創科聯合會以外任何人士披露、提供或傳遞 閣下之資料,惟下列以及我們的個人資料(私隱)政策内所提及的情況除外:

  • 如我們聘用第三方供應商或服務供應商協助我們之服務,而 閣下又使用該等服務時,則我們須將 閣下之資料提供予提供該等服務的供應商。

  • 我們亦會為行政管理及其他我們認為就維持、檢修及/或改進我們產品及服務所需起見,披露或存取  閣下資料。

  • 此外, 閣下之資料將被披露、提供或轉移至我們之業務夥伴、香港文化創科聯合會內任何人士或法人團體或部門,上述之團體亦可存取該等資料。

  • 鑒於上述團體或於香港以外地區設有營業地點, 閣下之資料有機會提供或轉移到香港以外地區。 閣下一旦登記為用戶或登入網站,即表示同意讓我們將 閣下之資料提供或移轉至香港以外地區之該等人士。此等團體當遵從當地相關之私隱政策及指引,我們對其如何使用 閣下之資料並無控制權。故此,我們對他們使用 閣下之資料概不負責。

  • 另請參閱我們之個人資料(私隱)政策,該文件載列我們之一般私隱政策及有關我們收集、持有及使用 閣下資料之一般做法。


閣下有權要求查閱及更正我們所持有關於 閣下之資料。如 閣下需要查核我們是否持有 閣下之個人資料,或想查閱或更正任何有關 閣下之不確資料,敬請電郵至。
