With Technology We Change Lives
With Innovation We Create A Future


To echo and scale the sustainable development of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Cultural, Innovation and Technology Association (HKCITA) is established to cultivate the city’s brand in the cultural, innovation and technology industry, to provide developers and capital a platform to work together, and to nurture young talents for innovations.

Headquartered in Hong Kong, HKCITA is an open not-for-profit organisation connecting corporates, academics, industries and financing institutions, which strives for enhancing local standards, facilitating regional cooperation and promoting stability and economic prosperity.


Members of the Hong Kong Cultural Innovation and Technology Association are elites and outstanding corporations and organisations in cultural, arts, technological and academic areas that are supported by a strong team of advisors and consultants. A true driving force in technology and innovation development, they constantly create cultural exchange opportunities and accelerate the development of technology infrastructure through public services and contributions.


Hackaverse Challenge is an annual global hackathon aiming to cultivate innovation and preserve our time's cultural heritages by accelerating the metaverse community's development and growth, bringing together the world's brightest minds from all walks of life to tackle problems with creative ideas and solutions.



Supporting Organizations:

Media Support:


Promote Cross-Sector Collaboration

In order to facilitate collaboration and synergy among cultural and innovative technology sectors locally and overseas, we foster the infrastructure of communication and promote long-term partnerships.

Facilitate Information Sharing

To provide a sustainable environment for innovation and start-ups, we collect news and information about the cultural and innovative technology industry and share it with stakeholders.

Advocate Constructive Policy

In an effort to facilitate public resources and government support, we assemble advice from the front line and advocate constructive policies in favour of the sustainable development of Hong Kong's economy.

Organize Informative Publication

To boost the integration of cultural and innovative technology and the economy, we consolidate innovations of pioneers and frontier technologies.

Nurture Professional Teams

In order to enrich the pool of talents in the cultural and innovative technology industry, we organize and assist the organization of promotion activities, including exhibitions and competitions.

Promote International and Regional Connections

For the purpose of sustainable development, we organize, participate in and support activities such as seminars, workshops, courses, forums and meetings related to the cultural and innovative technology industry.