Cookies Policy

We may automatically track and collect your IP address, domain server, the type of computer and type of web browser you are using and use "cookies" to (i) customise website content specific to your interests, (ii) ensure that you do not see the same advertisement repeatedly, (iii) store your password so you do not have to re-enter it each time you use the sites and (iv) improve and update the websites.

"Cookies" are small pieces of electronic information (specifically, a string of text) that your browser and your operating system store on your hard drive for record-keeping purposes. Cookies can store a user's ID and password, personalise home pages, identify which parts of a site have been visited and / or keep track of previous website use, selections or purchases.

We will only use certain cookies if you have provided consent for us to do so the first time you visit our website (we may ask you to provide consent again in future).

At any time, you can choose whether to accept or deny cookies; your browser on your computer is often initially set to accept cookies. However, you can choose to deny cookies and continue browsing the sites. You can find more information about the individual cookies we use and the purposes for which we use them in the table below:

Performance Cookies

Google Analytics stored by Google for 1 day to 2 years, depending on the cookies – We use Google Analytics to help analyse which pages on our website visitors viewed. When you visit our website, your web browser automatically sends certain information to Google. For more information on how Google uses your data, please refer to here. To opt-out, please click here.

Most cookies (other than essential cookies) will expire within two years.

「瀏覽器緩存數據」(cookies) 檔案政策


「瀏覽器緩存數據」是您的瀏覽器及操作系統儲存在您的硬碟上作記錄用途的小型電子資料 (具體來說是一列文字) 。「瀏覽器緩存數據」可儲存用户名稱及密碼,個人化首頁,分辨曾探訪網站的哪一部份及/或保持追蹤以前在網站上的使用、選擇或購買活動。本會僅會使用您在首次登入本會網站時同意我們使用的「瀏覽器緩存數據」(本會日後或會再次徵求您的同意)。


性能「瀏覽器緩存數據」視乎「瀏覽器緩存數據」的類別而定,Google Analytics透過Google儲存一日至兩年-本會使用Google Analytics協助分析訪客在網站瀏覽哪些頁面。當您瀏覽我們的網站時,您的瀏覽器會自動傳送若干資料至Google。請 按此 查閱Google如何使用您的數據。如選擇退出,請 按此
